NoViolet Bulawayo Wins £15,000 at the Etisalat Prize for Literature

(L-R):  Acting Chief Executive Officer, Etisalat Nigeria, Matthew Willsher; Winner, Etisalat Prize for Literature, NoViolet Bulawayo; Runners-Up, Etisalat Prize for Literature, Karen Jennings and Yewande Omotoso at the award ceremony of the inaugural Etisalat Pan African Prize for Literature which held at Federal Palace Hotel, Victoria Island

The search for Africa’s most prolific debut fiction writer, the Etisalat Prize for Literature, climaxed last Sunday at the Federal Palace Hotel, Victoria Island Lagos, with NoViolet Bulawayo carting home the coveted prize of £15,000.
At a befitting celebration of first time writers of published fiction books, Bulawayo with her “We Need New Names” was announced winner of the Etisalat Prize out the shortlist which included Yewande Omotosho with “Bom Boy”, and Karen Jenning with “Finding Soutbek”.
According to the Acting Chief Executive Officer of Etisalat Nigeria, Matthew Willsher, the Etisalat Prize for Literature award was designed to recognize and reward debut writers of fiction in the African region, with the objective of discovering new creative talent from Africa and promoting the burgeoning publishing industry on the continent.
"As a rite of passage, published and unpublished literary works of art have been passed down from generation to generation in Africa. Etisalat Nigeria is indeed pleased to celebrate all authors in the African literary spectrum from the greats such as Wole Soyinka, Miriama Ba to Ben Okri, Alain Mabanckou and Chimamanda Adichie. As such, Etisalat Nigeria is proud to use its maiden edition of the Etisalat Prize for Literature pan-African award to recognize and celebrate the amazing work done by these unique individuals," he said.
The Zimbabwean-born winner of the Etisalat Prize for Literature, Bulawayo, in addition to the cash prize of £15,000, was presented with an engraved Montblanc Meisterstück pen, a Samsung Galaxy Note and will attend the Etisalat Fellowship at the prestigious University of East Anglia as well as being mentored by Giles Foden – Author of the “Last King of Scotland”. She will also have book tours in three African cities and get the chance to start work on her second book.
An elated Bulawayo specially thanked the judges, patrons, and Etisalat Nigeria for the award and for the opportunity the Etisalat Prize for Literature afforded her.
"I am thankful to the organizers of this event, Etisalat Nigeria for this most excellent and necessary prize. We are all aware of the shortage of literary prizes and it is heart-warming to know that Etisalat Nigeria sees and values the significance of such literary works in Africa," she said.
Runners-up, Yewande Omotosho and Karen Jenning were presented with Samsung Galaxy notes. They also won book tours to two African cities and Etisalat will purchase 1000 copies each of their books which will be distributed across the continent
To spice up the occasion, there was a special performance from celebrated African music legend, Youssou N’Dour, who performed a number of classics including "Redemption Song", “7 Seconds” and "New Africa".
The flash fiction competition winner was also announced as Uche Okonkwo for her entry “Neverland”, taking home the cash prize of £1000 and a Samsung galaxy note. Runners up were Bonaventure Chukwu for “Fear” and Nzere Jeremiah for “Silent Screams”, each winning £500 and Samsung Galaxy notes.


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